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In the classic sense, Commercial Diplomacy focusses on development of business between two or more countries with the aim of generating commercial gains in the form of trade and inward as well as outward investment through business and entrepreneurship promotion, including facilitation activities in the host country. 


For The Xsabo Group, Commercial Diplomacy encompasses our determination to constructively contribute to efforts to ensure better prospects for current and future generations. 


In its particularly strategic African market, The Xsabo Group has in this connection initiated high profile projects supporting the corresponding government’s effort to pave a path for their people out of poverty and thus spur prosperity. 


This includes powering development through its flagship 150MW solar power project in Uganda and support to the planned Presidential Initiative for Wealth Creation in the Republic of The Gambia. 


The Pilot Solar Power Plant (20MW) of The Xsabo Group in Kabulasoke (Central Uganda) was commissioned by H.E. Yoweri K. Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda, on 9 January 2019 in the presence of H.E. Edward K. Ssekandi, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, Engineer Simon D’Ujanga (Minister of State for Energy), Richard S. Apire (Chairman of the Electricity Regulatory Authority) and other top politicians and Government officials. 


It is the first in a portfolio of five planned solar power parks of The Xsabo Group in Uganda.


The project in Uganda makes The Xsabo Group a pioneer force in Africa for clean and sustainable energy for economic growth, social equity, a stable climate and a healthy environment.


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